Hi! I’m Mavis Lincoln from Sunshine Coast, Australia
Mavis Lincoln has a family history of cancer; both of her grandmothers had died of Bowel cancer – one was 52 and the other was 66. Her mother died of “Galloping cancer” at age of 53. Several uncles, aunts, and cousins had also succumbed to various types of cancer, one of her cousin has leukemia at age 34. Her younger brother died at died at age 55. Mavis was diagnose of Uterine cancer.
Uterine Cancer(Endometrial cancer) is the most common gynecologic cancer that occurs in the United States; and arises from abnormal cells that develop within the inside lining of the uterus. It occurs most often after menopause, but may also be diagnosed before menopause.
This cancer is usually found in women older than the age of 50.
Hormone therapy is one potential cause, as is obesity since estrogen is produced in the fatty tissue of the body.
Here is her story on how she survived form Uterine Cancer:
The day I was introduced to Ganoderma in June 2004, was the same day my doctor had sent me for an ultrasound to investigate lower abdominal pain. Since he was then on holidays, it was 2 weeks before I received the results. The doctors carefully explained that for uterine cancer they would remove the uterus and I would not live long, or enjoy quality of life in the meantime. Conversely, if I did nothing, the result would be the same – not much of a choice!! Thankfully, he then acknowledged my right as a patient to choose my own path which he noted in records. I signed a form releasing him from responsibility, and decided to increase my intake of Ganoderma. Two subsequent scans at quarterly intervals showed very pleasing progress, as did the scan 14 months later. This time the endometrium thickening was down from the original 6.3mm to 2.8mm (4mm is allowable for my post menopausal age). Medically this is extremely rare. Very importantly, the previously described tubular structure related to the endometrium was no longer apparent. My doctor said, "I am very happy with this report”.
During this visit, though, the doctor reminded me that my last colonoscopy several years earlier, had shown pre-malignant polyps, and he ordered another colonoscopy. Very happily, this test was clear. In 2008, my requested test report prompted my doctor to say, "I’m not sending you for further tests; there is just no need”. Sometime later, my doctor moved interstate. A few months ago, because of my family history and for my own ongoing peace of mind, I asked my new doctor for an updated test of the pelvic area. The results were still excellent. I feel very blessed, and I thank God that Reishi Mushroom was available at the very time I so desperately needed it. I continue to take Reishi Mushroom for both future protection and for an amazing quality of life for my approaching 75 years.