Saturday, August 13, 2011

Too much Iron in the Body is Harmful

Disease called Haemochromatosis

A lot of us know that Iron is needed by our body to maintain good health, especially for making red blood cells that carry oxygen around the body; red bloods cells contain large amounts of iron. Lack of iron causes anemia, Do you what can you get if your body has excessive iron? A disease called Haemochromatosis. Too much iron in the body is toxic.

What are the causes of Haemochromatosis

The body has the ability to dispose unwanted iron, to protect our tissues in damage and disease. Haemochromatosis is usually caused by an inherited abnormality known as Hereditary haemochomatosis. Excessive iron may be caused by increased absorption of iron from the intestine; even the body does not require it. This is called Primary Iron Overload?

How Warren Pobje fights Haemochromatosis with the Help Of Ganoderma Mushroom:

I have the Haemochromatosis gene which causes the body to absorb abnormal and excessive amounts of iron. As iron is toxic, Haemochromatosis can cause arthritis, diabetes and liver disorders, among other diseases. Because it is genetic there is no cure and the only treatment is to be bled at regular intervals. For the last four years I've suffered constant and increasing pain in my joints together with some liver problems. During that four years I've had fortnightly bleeds for three months in each 6. By the end of August 2003 it had become difficult and painful to walk or drive. At the time I had just finished 3 months of fortnightly bleeds and the blood test revealed an iron reading of 85 (the recommended maximum is 100).

In the first week of September I started taking Ganoderma capsules. By the 4th day the pain was worse than I had ever had but by the end of that week the pain had started to decrease markedly. By the end of November I only had slight pain in 3 knuckles with no pain in my joints. I had my 3 monthly blood test at the end of November and instead of an iron level of around 500, as it normally would be after 3 months, the level was only 108, which is a negligible increase. For the first time in 4 years I'm 99% free of pain, my liver readings are getting back to normal and the majority of the excess iron is being flushed from my body and I no longer require regular bleeds. Thanks to Ganoderma I can live a normal happy, healthy life.

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